the worst thing

is never

the last thing

note from Blaine

Hello my Friend,

On Good Friday of 2010, my life as I knew it ended.

Twenty-three years of porn and sexual addiction finally took me to a dark grave of loss and despair.

After a failed attempt to take my life, I was shipped off to a secular Recovery Center for 30 days. (and $30,000)

One year later, I was still “white-knuckling” my way towards sobriety. Honestly, I wasn’t sure real freedom was possible.

At age 50, my “ever after” was anything but happy. It was tragic.

Until one day.

I was driving down a windswept road between Kansas and Oklahoma and I heard these words stream through my soul, “Blaine, I am not going to give you a recovery — I am calling you into resurrection.”

In the coming year, Jesus took me on a resurrection journey, revealing eight transformational practices that radically changed my life.

By God’s grace and His good community, I’ve been completely free from porn and sexual vice for more than a decade.

Since then, Lori and I have opened both our hearts and the door of our home to men, ministers and marriages shipwrecked by porn and infidelity.

I have walked more than a thousand men and ministers out of sexual brokenness through our Intensives and Katharos programming.

Many of these men and their spouses are ministered to in the safety and warmth of our home. When crisis comes, we believe it is our mission to respond with availability and spiritual care.

However, the time has come to be fully prepared to attend to the wounded in the church.

House of Resurrection will be an emergency room for the Body of Christ.

To my knowledge, there has never been anything like this. Its purpose and possibilities will be truly groundbreaking.

Lori and I want you to experience this with us. Together, we can build a sacred space where the worst thing is never the last thing.

Let’s do this.
